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Cost of Wellbeing 2
To calculate the approximate cost of poor staff wellbeing, would you like to use:
Total staff costs (including on-costs)
Total salary costs (excluding on-costs)
Total budget
FTE Equivalent (QTS and Non-QTS)
If readily available, we recommend using total salary or staff costs for the most accurate estimation. Using headcount or total budget will use more research-backed assumptions.
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FTE of staff with QTS
FTE of staff without QTS
Total FTE of staff
Total staff salary costs
Based on average salary for QTS/Non QTS staff outside of London
Total staff salary costs
Excluding on-costs
Total annual budget
Enter the total budget for your organisation.
Approximate staff costs
Calculated based on the DfE’s average of staff costs accounting for 82% of a trust’s budget.
Total staff costs
Include both salary and non-salary costs
Do you know your approximate on-costs percentage?
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Total salary costs
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Total number of staff
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On-costs percentage
Total staff costs (including on-costs)
Average on-costs percentage
Total sttaff costs (including on-costs)
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Total staff costs (including on-costs)
Estimated total cost of lost days due to wellbeing related sickness/abscence
Calculated based on DfE and HSE estimates.
To cover sickness absence (including long term sickness) do you use:
Cover Supervisors
Supply Staff
To work out the approximate cost of wellbeing-related supply cover do you want to use:
Total supply costs
Approximate number of days covered with supply
Number of pupils
Supply Costs
Approximate number of teacher absence days covered with supply
Average cost of 1 days cover
We’ve populated this field with the average costs of 1 day of supply cover outside London. You can amend this value to reflect your average cost.
Approximate total supply costs
Total supply costs
Number of Pupils
Total supply costs
The average school spends £171 per pupil on supply costs each year, according to research by Schools Week.
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Total supply (hidden)
Estimated cost of supply cover due to wellbeing related abscence
Calculated using HSE estimate of the percentage of absences in education that have a wellbeing-related cause.
Cover Supervisors
Number of Cover Supervisors (FTE)
Total cost per supervisor, including on-costs.
This field is pre-filled with the average salary and on-costs of a cover supervisor outside of London.
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Total Cover Sup Costs
The approximate total cost of Cover Supervisors covering wellbeing related absences is:
Calculated using HSE estimate of the percentage of absences in education that have a wellbeing-related cause.
Staff Turnover
Do you know the approximate number of staff who left their employment last academic year?
Total headcount of all staff
Average staff turnover
Calculated based on DfE statistics of average turnover in schools.
How many staff left in the last academic year?
Average cost of staff turnover
Including indirect costs. This default value is based on education sector specific research by PWC, which includes direct and indirect costs, adjusted for inflation. Indirect costs include staff time.
Estimated total recruitment costs
Estimated recruitment costs attributed to poor wellbeing
Calculated using Chartered Institute of Personal Development (CIPD) statistics for the education sector.
Approximate direct recruitment costs attributed to poor staff wellbeing
Calculated on the average direct recruitment costs according to research which includes advertisements and other expenses. If you have a staff recruitment subscription, these costs may be lower. If you fill vacancies using agencies or have a high number of senior vacancies these costs may be higher.
Approximate indirect recruitment costs attributed to poor staff wellbeing
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Direct costs
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InDirect costs
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Total Direct costs
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Total Indirect costs
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15% saving
Please provide your work email address so we can send you your results
We’ll email you a copy of your results, along with details of how we have calculated the approximate cost of poor wellbeing in your organisation.
And finally, what's your name?